To address data gaps in monitoring and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in the environmental sector, key stakeholders in Senegal developed a national coordination and collaboration mechanism called the Technical Group of Stakeholders Platform for the Monitoring of SDGs of the Environment Sector (GTPODE). The Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, with support from the Islamic Development Bank, leveraged the GTPODE to test the feasibility of using alternative data sources to fill environment data gaps, particularly by piloting the Africa Regional Data Cube (ARDC)

The progress and results from the pilot phase demonstrate that the ARDC is a useful tool and data source for some indictors. In addition, the process highlighted that the collaborative approach to using a new tool and data source is effective in harmonizing expectations and activities across stakeholders and building buy-in. Key benefits include increased timelines of data collection and analysis, time and cost savings through better targeting of ground work, and standardization of approach and methodology across relevant stakeholders. Additionally, the activities highlighted that while the ARDC has limitations in addressing some indicators, there is interest in exploring how these could be addressed. Key areas for continued focus and support moving forward are technical capacity building and validation of results.

This report explores progress to date, common benefits and considerations, and next steps for the use of the ARDC in Senegal. 

Read here >> Africa Regional Data Cube Pilot Use Cases Report: Senegal (PDF, 1.8 MB)