The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction.

The Bank Group achieves this objective by:

  • mobilizing and allocating resources for investment in RMCs; and
  • providing policy advice and technical assistance to support development efforts.

In 2015, all multilateral development institutions have agreed on a same set of objectives, called the Sustainable Development Goals. 


Priorities as a partner of the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

The AfDB Statistical Data Portal has been developed in response to the increasing demand for statistical data and indicators relating to African Countries. The Portal provides multiple customized tools to gather indicators, analyze them, and export them into multiple formats.

With the Data Portal, Socio-Economic indicators can be visualized over a period of time, gain access to presentation-ready graphics and perform comprehensive analysis on a Country and Regional level.