Earlier this year, the Global Partnership and World Bank ran a data visualization storytelling contest focused on data and the power it holds to accelerate sustainable development.

The challenge was to tell a data visualization story that showed the interconnectedness of sustainable development goals and revealed how the mobilization of different resources could be linked to impact.

A global response

With submissions from 34 countries across six continents and ideas spanning the impact of climate change, gender inequality, governance, debt management, energy supply, and food security, we are excited to announce the top three entries, as chosen by a panel of expert judges.

The winner of the contest will be revealed at the closing ceremony of Festival de Datos on Thursday November 9, 2023.

Introducing the three standout ideas

Read about our three finalists and find links to explore their full data visualizations below:

El territorio es la vida

By María Camila Posada and Michael Bally from Colombia

El territorio es la vida (The territory is life) highlights the challenges posed by rising temperatures, increased precipitation, and armed conflict, all of which affect food security and livelihoods in Nariño, Colombia.

Using various data sources and visualization approaches, the project examines the impact of these challenges on local communities, and outlines various initiatives aimed at tackling these issues, including early warning systems, ecosystem restoration, and climate risk insurance.

Explore the full data viz here.

From drought to floods: The Impact on Labor in the Coastal Zones of Uruguay, from East to West

By Miguel Ángel Dobrich and Gabriel Farías from Uruguay

How is climate change reshaping workers' lives in Uruguay? This project examines the impact of drought, flooding, and other climatic effects on labor in coastal zones across the country.

Focusing on three regions: Valizas, Montevideo, and Ciudad del Plata, it uses geospatial data and open databases to illustrate these impacts on the population and ecosystems.

Explore the full data viz here.

Climate action needs more women on board

By Surbhi Bhatia from India

"Within the climate crisis, there exists a gender crisis," says Surbhi Bhatia. 

Surbhi's data visualization focuses on the relationship between gender inequality and climate action, using data to illustrate the impact of climate change on the health and livelihoods of women and girls, compared to men.

It also highlights how women's unequal access to resources and underrepresentation in climate decision-making forums can hinder progress on Sustainable Development Goal 13, which is about urgent actions to combat climate change.

Explore the full data viz here.

Tune in on Thursday November 9 to hear the winner announcement during the closing ceremony of Festival de Datos.